Honda Nc 700 Service Manual
Well thought I would have a go at taking the panels off to get at the accessory sub harness fitted by the dealer. Looking to wire in some led lights and my new satnav. Couldn’t find anything online related to the 17 bike just the older model which seems quite different. Well had quite a few screws, poppers etc out but it still wasn’t budging so put it back together.
Admittedly didn’t have a great deal of time available when I started. Dealer says they don’t get paper copies but is going to look up the relevant sections. Just wanted to know can you buy the service manual at all in either paper or digital format?
Well thought I would have a go at taking the panels off to get at the accessory sub harness fitted by the dealer. Looking to wire in some led lights and my new satnav. Couldn’t find anything online related to the 17 bike just the older model which seems quite different. Well had quite a few screws, poppers etc out but it still wasn’t budging so put it back together. Admittedly didn’t have a great deal of time available when I started. Dealer says they don’t get paper copies but is going to look up the relevant sections.
Just wanted to know can you buy the service manual at all in either paper or digital format? The dealer was supposed to give you a flyer with a web address were you can access the instruction manuals for accessories. Have fun reading: Dealer says they don’t get paper copies but is going to look up the relevant sections. Just wanted to know can you buy the service manual at all in either paper or digital format?
Honda Nc 700 Service Manual
Most Honda dealers will not bother getting paper workshop manuals these days as they can get all that info online on Honda's system but Honda do still produce proper paper workshop manuals. There are no significant differences between the 2016 and 2017 NC750X's so the 2016 manual should be fine for you if you want one, the Honda manual I've got for my 2016 NC750X has the part number 62MKA00 (it also covers 'S' models.
They are available on THAT auction site, item number 94.
So called copy rights of these workshop manuals is a load of bollocks if you ask me. The whole design of the bike is Honda's. Just because some company done stripped of the bike and rebuilt giving instructions on how to etc doesn't give them the sole right in every aspect written in the manual.
Honda to has a workshop manual on this bike and many others but I don't see any lawsuit coming from Honda regarding this matter. Haynes are bringing out a new manual next year so should be a lot cheaper. What this forum need is a sticky on how to remove panels,service inc tappets adjustment etc and a wiring diagram,mainly for add on's. The majority of us don't need a full workshop manual.most stuff we wouldn't even consider doing like engine rebuild and not likely needed unless you've blown the engine. There are scattered info on this forum by guys on here with out the need of the so called copyrights books. So how about consolidating all the info onto a sticky in tech page. This book should be sufficient for most folks.
What this forum need is a sticky on how to remove panels,service inc tappets adjustment etc and a wiring diagram,mainly for add on's. The majority of us don't need a full workshop manual.most stuff we wouldn't even consider doing like engine rebuild and not likely needed unless you've blown the engine. There are scattered info on this forum by guys on here with out the need of the so called copyrights books. So how about consolidating all the info onto a sticky in tech page. This book should be sufficient for most folks.I definitely agree that an FAQ or technical how-to page on the forum would be a wonderful thing. An inspiration would be the one on this Ninja 250 site, where the FAQ is easier to follow and is better illustrated than the Kawasaki factory manual. There's one huge problem: it takes a lot of work to put that together.
We would start by compiling service procedures and garage hints from existing posts on the forum. Copyright of the manual has nothing to do with design of the bike or maintenance procedures. Anybody who wants to can create a manual. (I have the one John mentions (itself a copyrighted work, and quite rightly so), and share his opinion regarding it).
What copyright prohibits is blatantly copying/plagiarizing the contents and/or using the manual as the basis for creating your own (by doing minor word changes, etc, but it still being obviously a rip-off of that copyrighted source. The latter case is known as a 'derivative work' and while you are free to create one, publishing one is a big no-no. 'Publishing' has a very broad meaning.essentially any means of making something public, not necessarily involving printing. My attitudes about copyright sort of shifted when I found a bunch of my own copyrighted material being blatantly ripped off and plastered on places like tumblr, people's blogs, and 'all stuff like that there', as Fibber McGee would put it.
Making available online a copyrighted manual (or any other work) without the express permission of the owner is illegal. Even hosting a link to the material could be construed as publishing it, leaving the site owner liable to punishment. Contrary to what a lot of people think, tacking the copyright owner's name alongside the material or stating you don't own the copyright doesn't make it alright to post the material; it is still illegal. Doesn't matter if you stand to make any money off of it or not; it is still illegal. Adding 'courtesy of xxxx' generally shows that the person has no clue that 'courtesy of xxxx' means 'xxxx' has given their express consent to use their copyrighted material when the context usually makes it blindingly obvious they would not.
The users of this forum are free to create whatever maintenance and repair guides they wish, using original works (text, photos, videos) and may choose to place it all in the public domain, freely available for anyone to do with as they please.including printing it or turning it into an ebook, selling it, and pocketing 100% of the money.even if they didn't do jacksquat to help produce it. Or the forum could copyright it.
So called copy rights of these workshop manuals is a load of bollocks so called copyrights books. I really am having difficulty seeing what the problem is here, with understanding It's got absolutely nothing to do with 'supposed' anythings. It's specifically to do with company/s exactly reproducing a HELM manual, and then selling it themselves, for less than half price, or scanning a HELM manual into a computer, and selling the PDF of it. Or a Haynes, or any other brand. Would you be thrilled and perfectly understanding if someone bought one of your racks, copied it identically, then began selling johnakay rear racks for under half price, telling everybody they were made by johnakay?
I understand where your coming from LBS please don't take it personally. ((so if someone bought one of your racks, copied it identically)))) some have tried to copy my rails but not pass it off as mine that would cause problems.
Those that did try didn't last long. How ever some forum members have slagged my stuff on another forum big time even though they never purchase any. Went to see a lawyer etc to see where I stand and sent a written letter to the administrators and quickly got it wiped off the forum.
Perhaps I should put my brain in gear 1st before posting. As for starting a sticky.I dont think it would be a problem if you just put a sticky up with words servicing your NC. Then folks can add bits as they go along and should the administrators find it not suitable or misleading then remove as when and needed. Slight confusion on copyright vs patent. Johnakay if someone published your copyrighted drawing for your rack then you would have an action for copyright infringement.
If they were copyrighted. If some copied your patented rack and sold it you would have an action.that would assume your rack is special in some way to get a patent in the first place. You and everyone else can build racks or seats or anything else sell them but you can only market them as yours and not another companies name. If someone copied your patented rack for their own use and did not sell harm. Givi can build racks and Corbin seats with out Honda's permission. A whole another can of worms: Designing, building and selling anything in including writing a shop manual comes with responsibility and risks.for instant a rack.could cause injury in a you have product liability insurance??
The stock HONDA rack as instruction and warnings. The Honda manual has all sorts of warnings. This keeps all the lawyers busy for years to come. NOT saying any of this is right or wrong but it is the current system we work under.but foreign countries like China seem to NOT follow any of these laws, rules or guidelines.