Manual Autocad 2016 For Greece
Unit Display Settings After you decide what unit of length that you want to use, the UNITS command lets you control several unit display settings including the following:. Format (or Type). For example a decimal length of 6.5 can be set to display as a fractional length of 6-1/2 instead. For example, a decimal length of 6.5 can be set to display as 6.50, 6.500, or 6.5000. If you plan to work in feet and inches, use the UNITS command to set the unit type to Architectural, and then when you create objects, specify their lengths in inches. If you plan to use metric units, leave the unit type set to Decimal. Changing the unit format and precision does not affect the internal precision of your drawing.
Autodesk Autocad 2016
It affects only how lengths, angles, and coordinates are displayed in the user interface.