Motorola Spectra Rss Manual
The Spectra The SPECTRA General Info Figure out what you need. Take a look at the If you need a programming cable for the P1820AX portable repeater, just use a regular mobile programming cable and program each radio individually. The pinout of the 15 pin accessory connector on the Spectra 900 is as follows: 1 TX Audio 2 Emerg 3 VIP out 2 (dash mount only, not used in remote mount) 4 SWB+ 5 Ignition (dash mount only, not used in remote mount) 6 SPKR Hi 7 SPKR Lo 8 DIG GND 9 BUSY 10 BUS- 11 DET Audio 12 VIP out 1 (dash mount only, not used in remote mount) 13 DATA PTT 14 BUS + 15 MIC Hi If you want the pinouts of the connectors on other Spectra models, refer to the installation diagrams at the bottom of the page. If you have an Astro Spectra, you will want to look at the page too. Certain Spectra's like the Smartnet or Securenet radios don't have scan. You can't enable it in anyway. The board inside the radio that controls the scan feature is not present in the radio.
The scanning features on older radios is part of the programming in the MLM module. If its not in the MLM, and you want to get it, you have to 'pay' for a MLM with scan in it from Motorola. The RSS won't unlock it, even though the RSS knows about scanning.
If you are hoping to find a way to get a Spectra to scan more than 16 channels, I think you will want to give up for now. We have yet to hear any method of doing this. However, should someone find a way, please let us know and we will post the results.
BTW, if your radio is capable of zones, you can have a scanlist for each zone. You can convert a Maxtrac DTMF mic for use on a Spectra by changing the cord, color for color, clipping R18 and adding jumper JU1. Note that you can get an almost identical schematic of the boards in a Maxtrac DTMF mic from the MCX1000 VHF Service Manual. The Spectra VRM 600 which has a modem capable of RD-LAP data built in the front of the Spectra dash radio and no functioning control head uses PIN 4 (SW B+) for ignition sense. The standard dash mount programming cable power lead needs to be changed from pin 5 to pin 4 for this radio. I believe this is because of lack of a front panel power switch.
If you want to connect a MDC1200 unit to a Spectra, you need. If you are looking for the pinout of the HLN1196A Auxilliary Switch Panel, then you will want to look.
Spectra's come in many frequency bandsplits, called Ranges. Below is a list of the available ranges for VHF and UHF.
VHF. Range-1 136-162 MHz. Range-2 146-174 MHz UHF. Range-1 403-433 MHz.
Range-2 438-470 MHz. Range-3 450-482 MHz.
Range-4 482-512 MHz You cannot tell the range of the radio just by looking at the model number, you will have to read the radio with RSS in order to figure out what frequency range it covers. If you connect a 9000 head to a A5 Spectra, the display shows gibberish but most functions still work.
When connecting an A7 head to an A5 radio, all A5 functions work but the A7 only functions do not (direct mode access etc.). If you need to make a cable to connect an A9 Control Head to a DEK, you will need this pinout: DEK A9 Head 7 Gnd 36 8 Data In 37 23 Clock 38 24 Strobe 34 40 Data Out 5 41 SW'D B+ 35 This is for the 3080248L01 interface cable. The pinout of the KVL to Spectra Cable is as follows (refer to the mic connector pinout above for proper pin orientation): KVL DESCRIPTION SPECTRA Mic 9 GND 1 8 Key 10 7 /WE 2 6 KID 9 This should be the 01-82997T04 cable, which used to be the TKN8531.
Hacking Codeplugs with LAB RSS All the information you need to hack the codeplug for the Spectra can be found. Service Manuals Here are a listing of the Service Manual part numbers for this series of radios:. 6880102W61 - Spectra Detailed Service Manual.
Motorola Spectra Software
6880101W33 - Spectra Deatiled Service Manual is this the same thing as above for more money?