Lapd Manual 2017
. Locally Administered Projects “Starter Pack” (Getting Started Guide) The was developed to improve local governments' understanding of the requirements associated with administering a transportation project. The starter pack is coined as a “Beginners Guide to Locally Administered Projects,” and is intended as a getting-started resource for local government project managers and others that may be new or have limited familiarity with the expectations and requirements to administer a transportation project. The guide briefly outlines the major components, processes and procedures necessary to administer a transportation project, but should NOT be used as a substitute to the comprehensive Locally Administered Projects Manual. Lap - Map LAP - MAP is an intelligent flowchart-based navigational tool to guide users through the locality administered project development and delivery processes. LAP-MAP consists of two sections: A project 'selector' tool which asks five basic project characteristic questions, conveniently listed in drop-down menus.
Based on the users input, the tool will automatically take the user to the applicable project development and delivery process flowchart. The flowchart provides a detailed outline of the necessary steps required for the respective project development and delivery process according to the input provided in the selector tool.
The LAP-MAP flowchart shows each step and includes hyperlinks to the appropriate page or form in the LAP Manual. In addition, LAP-Map employs user friendly graphics, hints and reminders to the project manager and also incorporates VDOT’s Project Web Access (PWA) schedule activity numbers. LAP-MAP promises to be a useful tool for both the novice and experienced project manager to assist in project development, delivery, close out and audit. LAP-Map is NOT to be used as a substitute to the actual Locally Administered Projects (LAP) Manual, but is intended to provide the user a quick resource in locating specific project information/guidance/ Please note that not all of the possible projects combinations are mapped.
Nine scenarios are available that represent the most commonly used. Please click the LAP-MAP icon below to start. 'Finalized' Instruction how to use LAP-MAP.
Click on LAP-MAP icon. Select open. This will take you to the LAP-MAP Project Selector (excel file). This is the first section of the LAP-MAP. There are five basic questions, which are conveniently listed in a pull-down menu regarding the project characteristics. After selecting the appropriate responses from the pull-down menu questions, you will see the name of related project process flow-chart pop up automatically; e.g. “ Project Process Type X flow-chart ” right below the selection table on right.
On the left you will see a box “Display Map”. Click “Display Map” and this will take you to proper project process flow chart. On the top left corner, you will see the project characteristics which you selected. This is a confirmation to ensure you are using the appropriate project flow-chart for your specific project type. The LAP-MAP flow chart provides a detailed outline of all necessary steps required for project delivery from the very beginning (RtA/Agreement) to the very end construction completion (LAP C-5) and project closeout.
LAP-MAP shows each step with a hyper-links to the appropriate page or form in the LAP Manual. You may also save the project flow-chart to your computer or network, and if you have Adobe Pro you are able to add your own project specific notes onto the flowchart. Locally Administered Projects Manual The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance and direction to all stakeholders, outline federal requirements for those localities choosing to administer Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)-funded projects, with an emphasis on federal aid, and provide guidance to VDOT staff assigned an oversight role for locally administered projects. The highway laws of Virginia has been recodified, effective Oct. Section 33.1 has been re-numbered to Section 33.2. If you have questions, comments, or suggested changes to the Locally Administered Projects Manual, contact John Simmers at 804-786-2571 or, or Cynthia Clark at 804-371-6289. To download Parts I-III of the manual (this enables cross-chapter links), click 5.4 MB To download Part IV of the manual (submittal samples), click 16 MB Click the PDF icons in the table below to access the individual manual chapters.
Detailed Updates. Part Last updated PDF Table of contents February 2018 554 KB Preface Oct. 1, 2014 602 KB Index Oct. 1, 2014 484 KB Part 1- Program development n/a n/a 1. VDOT policy February 2018 106 KB 2. Qualifications for federal- and state-aid project administration March 1, 2016 144 KB 3. Roles and responsibilities Oct.
1, 2014 628 KB 4. Resources for local governments Oct. 1, 2014 593 KB 5. State-funded projects and special programs February 2018 338 KB 6. Certification program (Reserved) Oct. 1, 2014 100 KB 7. Assessment / audit program requirements Feb.
25, 2014 715 KB 8. Project initiation and authorization Oct. 25, 2014 610 KB 9. Project development overview / summary February 2018 209 KB Part 2- Project management n/a n/a 10.
Project administration and agreements March 1, 2016 241 KB 11. Consultant procurement February 2018 305 KB 12. Project development Dec.
20, 2017 1 MB 13. Project delivery (construction administration) Dec. 20, 2017 1 MB 14. Project close-out Oct.
1, 2014 762 KB Part 3- Standards and practices for locally administered projects n/a n/a 15. Environmental requirements February 2018 462 KB 16. Right of way February 2018 1 MB 17. Civil rights and disadvantaged business enterprises February 2018 554 KB 18.
Structure and bridge March 1, 2016 333 KB 19. Financial management / reimbursement processing Dec. 20, 2017 620 KB Part 4 - Submittal samples July 1, 2009 15.6 MB.
LAPRAAC’s Mission is to encourage the highest level of professional law enforcement skills by providing athletic, educational, marksmanship, physical fitness, facilities, recreation and social activities to benefit all members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The Purpose of LAPRAAC is to maintain LAPRAAC’s rich history & valued traditions by promoting the morale, welfare, and wellness of the men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department. LAPRAAC Facilities: The Los Angeles Police Academy is located in the picturesque Elysian Park area of Los Angeles. Located in this unique training site of the Los Angeles Police Department are theLos Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club (LAPRAAC) Facilities. Officers can purchase their uniforms, shoes, guns, and miscellaneous equipment. Breakfast and lunch are served in the LAPRAAC Cafe, and the Banquet Facilities are available for special occasions.
Summary The Los Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club is the backbone of officer morale on the Los Angeles Police Department. LAPRAAC’s history of pioneering police training for LAPD officers, permitting the City to use LAPRAAC’s facilities for over 70 years, and pioneering police recreational facilities, as well as the importance of physical fitness for law enforcement officers, cannot go unnoticed.It is certainly unmatched! The Los Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club, also known as the Los Angeles Police Academy, is full of Los Angeles Police Department history. LAPRAAC is a private club which was established over 70 years ago by Los Angeles Police Officers as a training facility. A labor force of Los Angeles Police Officers and trustees built the historical Rock Garden and stonewalls that highlight the driveway, towers, and courtyards.
The 1932 Olympic pistol shooting competition took place at what is now know as the Los Angeles Police Academy. The Academy grounds have been(and still continue) to be used as the location of many television and movie productions.
Lapd Manual 2017 Corvette
It is the training site for the tens of thousands of men and women who have passed through the halls while learning to be professional police officers. LAPRAAC is the history, the social outlet, the fitness arm of the Los Angeles Police Department. Of all the organizations surrounding the Los Angeles Police Department, LAPRAAC has left the biggest foot print on the Department history and the officers well being.